
News July 2024 products were just added into our online Store. See the complete list under this link.

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Eduard support section will try to help you solve any issues you might have with our products. Information below will also instruct you how to send us claims, questions and product requests.Please read the information below before contacting us by phone or email. You might find answers to your questions on our FAQ page. If you want to ask us about anything, or have a product request, use the Submit Ticket form or go directly to Eduard Helpdesk and type your question/request there.  

Before You Ask

There might already be answer to your question, request or problem. Before contacting us, read the FAQ, or use our Helpdesk to solve your issue faster.

Eduard Knowledge Base

Knowledge Base contains all answered questions and request, but also articles and modeling tips by modelers. Join the open community of modelers around Eduard and help us make our products and services even better.

Eduard Helpdesk

Still looking for the right answer? Send us a ticket using our Helpdesk and we'll get back to you as soon as possible. Get Help - Submit Ticket

Before asking us, try to look for the answers here, or in our Knowledge Base. Please note that claim issues are primary and any product requests or other questions may be solved with delay. If you don't find information on this page useful, please submit a ticket to our Helpdesk.

Looking For Instruction Sheet?

If you're looking for instruction sheet for specific product, simply enter the catalog number of that product (e.g. 8221, cx338, big3255, 36162) into the search field. The product link should automatically popup. By clicking on the product link, you will be directed to that product page where you can download instructions. Note, if there's no instruction sheet link on the product page, it means this product does not have any instructions. This is usually because the product doesn't need them, or the instructions are missing due to age of that product.Products released prior to year 1996 are usually outdated and do not have instructions. We do not store instructions for older products. Please don't contact us regarding this matter, as we can't help you with such issues.

Claims & Replacements

If you've lost or damaged some part of our product, or the product was missing some parts that should be there, please contact us using the green support tab to the right.

Distributors & Merchants - Do You Want To Sell Our Products?

Do you want to make business with us? If you're a merchant, please check if there isn't a distributor of our products in your country. If so, please contact the distributor directly. If you find your country lacks any distributors or merchants of our products, please contact our sales@eduard.com.

Did You Find Error On Our Websites?

If you have stumbled upon any non-existent webpages or broken links, or you simply can't find what you're looking for, contact the webmaster by submitting ticket to Helpdesk or directly at webmaster@eduard.com.

How To Contact Us

The fastest and easiest way of contacting us is by submitting a ticket to our Helpdesk. Note, that we may be available on phone or Skype, however we do not have capacities to solve requests and questions through phone. If you want to solve your issue fast, use the Helpdesk instead of sending us direct email.

E-mail Contacts

  • General Support: support@eduard.com
  • Orders: orders@eduard.com
  • Product Requests: suggestions@eduard.com
  • Claim Resolution: claims@eduard.com
  • Webmaster: webmaster@eduard.com
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